Our office is conveniently located in downtown Bend on the corner of NW Bond and Minnesota in St. Clair Place (second floor). We are also available for virtual consultations by telephone or on Zoom. We look forward to hearing from you.
Stadnick Nowierski-Stadnick LLP
920 NW Bond Street
Ste 203
Bend, OR 97703
Phone: 541-323-2301
Email: contact@snsbend.com
Fill out this form to get started today.
*Please do not include any confidential information in submission of this form. This form is strictly for informational purposes and to set up a confidential consultation. Please be advised that submission of this form or transmission of an email does not create an attorney-client relationship with Stadnick Nowierski-Stadnick LLP, Lauren Nowierski-Stadnick, or Michael Stadnick.